ZOOM Service Now Available

How fun is this? You and I can “meet” LIVE via ZOOM to get all your color needs complete. Have questions about color? Let’s meet on ZOOM to discuss all your color questions. Fill out the form below to contact me, and I’ll set up our ZOOM meeting. Getting color for your home has never been easier.

color expert donna frasca available on zoom

8 Responses to ZOOM Service Now Available

  1. Donna Frasca says:

    Connie – I try to work on everyone’s budget. Send me details at DecoratingbyDonna@mac.com

  2. Connie Hertel says:

    My husband and I have a condo in Florida that we plan on using in the winters
    In two years. We’ve had it for 10 yrs and haven’t done
    Anything with it. Now I want to upgrade it in get it ready for us.

    I’d let to see if we can work something out. My budget is
    not extensive however I don’t want junk. I’ll use Home Depot or
    Lowe’s if you feel it’s quality.

  3. Donna Frasca says:

    Anne, what are you looking for in particular? ALL my color services are also available virtually which makes up most of my clients.

  4. Anne Hicks says:

    You are exactly the professional I am looking for. Wish you were in Mobile, AL.

  5. Donna Frasca says:

    Welcome to an amazing neighborhood Denise! It’s one of my favorites. I’ll be here when you arrive 🙂

  6. You are just what I’m looking for. I bought The Westley home at Lawson, in Waxhaw and will be moving in the end of December. I would love your advice and help with choosing the right colors for my home. I will be contacting you as soon as we move in.
    Thank You,

  7. Donna Frasca says:

    I love specializing in just color. Thanks so much for visiting my blog 🙂

  8. owfotografik says:

    I really love color and using colors in many ways. I really enjoy your blog and I love the fact that you are a color specialist. Mastering colors is a really difficult thing to do and you really have to have an eye for it, as you do. Have a great day. Omaste owfotografik.com

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