Color and Cards; What Is My Message For Today?

What is my message for today? This is a great way to start each day, with an insight that you can follow throughout the day. RESPONSIBILITY comes in many forms, and this card suggests that the most important thing today is to take care of yourself. Put YOU first.

orange suggests that you are responsible for your well being

I LOVE the color that this card represents, any shade of orange, and in this case,it leans towards the peachy side. 

You have the responsibility to address the emotional issues that are present in your life and address them as needed. Perhaps you need a little more time to yourself, or you need more time with your loved one or just alone time to process and think. What it is you FEEL you need to address today, it is your responsibility to make that happen, be good to you today!

Where would I put this gorgeous peachy color? 

Here is yet another color that would be great for your bedroom. It’s here where you can connect to the TRUE emotional side of how you feel and either express it or, for the very least, acknowledge it on some level. It’s a feel-good color. 

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This is a sample of what my new service, COLOR AND CARDS, is about. It’s connection you to the right colors in your home, on a much deeper level. If you are interested in this intuitive service, please fill out the form below and let me know. Thanks!

About Donna Frasca

I am an energy that has found a new vibration and frequency. Through many years of writing, learning, and experiencing, I've found comfort in trusting in myself and in Spirit.
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